PINTRO through the eyes of a colleague: Frischgeflügel Feldhaus OHG

“The slow and time consuming processes, the lack of constant quality and motivation for my staff and myself to perform these tasks and the difficulty we experience in hiring new people triggered us to look for solutions or machines.

A referral of a colleague pointed me in the direction of PINTRO. Following a very successful demonstration of the handy and robust devices at our premises in February 2021, we decided to acquire several machines. The P480 skewering machine, the MBF 50 meatball machine, the HBF 700 hamburger former have now found their way to our production process!

We are very satisfied with the even results and artisanal look of the products we make with the machines. The time we spend on these tasks is now significantly reduced. What we like most about these devices? The easiness and the joy we experience using them, the low maintenance and, finally the cost-performance ratio!”

Frischgeflügel Feldhaus OHG, Goldenstedt, Duitsland

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